Time for joy
Three years feels like an eternity, on the other hand it feels like it happened in just a snapshot.
Compared to where I stood three years ago and now, two totally different worlds.
Match made in heaven
Travelling to Bangkok with many emotions and excitement to my first and ever ICCA Conference, with the title “It starts with us”. ICCA, the International Congress and Convention Association is the global meetings industry network. ICCA can assist meeting & event organisers in finding the main specialists in handling, transporting, and accommodating international events.
More than 1100 people gathered from 80 different countries. Can you imagine I was a bit nervous? I lost count of the number of times I had to go to the toilet before my presentation….

Yes! Selected for the Best Marketing Award .
I feel such an honour and privilege as this is a huge achievement. Because my personal story is used as the red line through the entire campaign. Yes, the Cote d’Azur project where I stayed with my camper and cat this spring.
Being nominated means that I will fly to Bangkok to present the project on stage. Wow!
This was my cherry on the cake, something I always dreamed of!
Hold On = On Hold
The busy bee comes to a stop! Yes, me, really I am talking about myself here.
Apparently a lot of people already wondered when this moment would come, except for me.
I needed to hit my head against the wall first, many times before I came to a stop.

The power of Live
Never a dull moment traveling with Loekie
Loekie was upset! She doesn’t speak, but they will show you. At the camping in Frankfurt, as always I let her out. After a while I couldn’t find her.
Wel, I thought she would come back, wasn’t worried at all, and after a while I heard from far a cat meowing. I know immediately it’s Loekie. I went outside my camper and looked around.

Surprising Nice
We kick off the season of tourism and events in the football stadium of Nice. A privilege to attend this event where all partners, connected or related with events and tourism are present. Organised by the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau. Unfortunately the mayor could not join (he was not aware of my last-minute presence, otherwise he would have been there to see the MICE ambassador in person, I am sure! ) and send the vice president to give a short speech about the impact of these sectors on the city.

Save the best for last
Nice has memories, it’s the only destination of the three cities that I knew before arrival and as just a tourist. I won a prize and stayed in the Radisson Blu hotel with Christophe. Honestly, we would never have chosen this hotel, we preferred small hotels, an air bnb, or a camping. Yes, I have always been a camping girl, but this was an offer we couldn’t refuse. As I passed by with the tram on my first day I got sentimental, of course. And the first appointment I had was opposite the restaurant where we had lunch, le plongeoir, a very popular and amazing spot in Nice.

The hidden green gem
Let's start my second week in an appropriate way.
Monday morning, I have the honor to visit the castle of Mandelieu, one of the most iconic buildings of the city. It's much more than just a castle. Besides it's unique location at the coast (you could dive from the terrace in the sea), and in the city center of Mandelieu. I'm surprised by the mission of the family. Every year the castle hosts artists from around the world in spring and autumn for 1 month to stay for free, including meals. To support, encourage and inspire beginners and medium artists in their profession and career.

Fans in Mandelieu
I thought I had a heart attack! I couldn’t find the key to my camper. I have two keys, one to start the engine (car part) and one for the camper part. And one to start the engine was missing… I have my lanyard with keys always with me. But the key of the engine was gone! F… when did I last use it… a good question. I haven’t used it for 3 weeks because I didn’t move, and stayed 3 weeks at the same camping in Cannes. And now I want to leave to go to Mandelieu, packed, paid my bill and the only thing that was missing was the key. I don’t panic easily but the worst case scenarios were going through my mind. I don’t have a spare key with me! My spare key is at home…in the Netherlands.

Au Revoir Cannes
Saturday afternoon, rain and a movie! What a perfect combination. Relaxing in one of the chairs of the Palais de Festival and the rain starting outside, I have chosen the perfect moment to see CanneSeries in action. What is CanneSeries? It's the Cannes Festival, just here is the focus on series and documentaries, like the little sister of Cannes Festival. I had chosen a Dutch production called Childhood.
Chill, watch and enjoy…

Stories from Cannes
Can you imagine that I bumped into the man that wanted to join me on my journey in my van? What a coincidence, or not?
I was on my way to the ferry to Island st. Honorat with Tania, my coach and friend for the site inspection for the grieving walk. Next time, I will take a picture of us together!

My first proposal in Cannes
Yes, the first official proposal came, on my first day of site inspection in Cannes. No, not to organise an event, but to travel together in my van with another man. Just one but (more than one actually) he’s just 87 years old, sitting in a wheelchair and has a dog… :-) He told me if he was 20 years younger he would have joined me.